02/11/2022Mom Says, BE POSITIVE Watch Your Mouth!
Beautiful Spirit, here’s a quick note to encourage you to be positive when there are so many reasons you could be negative. You know what I mean. When you go to the grocery store to get that toilet paper and there’s none on the shelf and the person in front of you has more than enough. I’m just say’in!
Anyway, during these pandemic times, we want our words to remain as positive as possible, especially when it’s so easy to become frustrated and say the wrong thing. In essence, “Speak Life.” Build up not tear down. No complaining……..I know , we all slip up from time to time.

In case you’re wondering, “Speak Life” is taken from Proverbs 18:21, and says,” The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (NIV) In plain English, you have what you say, so choose your words carefully.
Quintan Johnson, Owner of Out of the Box Fashion, is styling our “Speak Life” t-shirt that’s available with the lips, or with a microphone. Quantities are limited! The only sizes we have left are either large or extra large in select colors. Check them out!. And also, check out Quintan’s Blog for fashion tips and the latest trends.
Can’t think of a way to style this tee, here are some examples: wear casually with a pair of jeans, with cute leggings and jacket as shown above, with your workout clothing, with a cute maxi skirt. The possibilities……. I would love to see how you style your t-shirt.
Share some of the ways in which you choose to be positive in the comments below.
I choose to be positive by continuing to focus on my thoughts and what I say to myself about myself, thoughts I think and say about others and trying to make sure that even if negative things are going on around me that I choose to speak encouragement.
Cassandra, I appreciate the acknowledgment of choice. Yes, what we believe within comes out of our mouths. If only everyone understood the gravity of their words! Continue to be encouraged! 🙂